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[vdr] sound clicks and block artefacts - software or hardware problem?

Hello from Neumünster/Germany,

since about 8 months my vdr-box works well - since now!

Hardware: Siemens scenic 600 desktop-PC with 500Mhz Pentium celeron (used, don´t know, how old)
80 GB Maxtor (new)
dvb-Card 1.3 (full featured, new)
Software: SuSE 8.2

Since a few days every now and then, sometimes from the start of the PC on, sometimes after a few minutes and sometimes not, block artefacts and sound clicks appear, get worse until sometimes the whole thing gets restarted by runvdr.
Sometimes the box freeces and I have to use "power off" to restart.

Did anyone face similar problems?

How can I check, if it is a software or hardware problem?

Thank you for any help!!



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