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[vdr] Re: Non graphic vdr???

Selon Roland Behme <>:

I understand, in fact i don't have already install vdr that's why I didn't know
it has no interface. In fact i develeop a software which need in a part  of it
to register videos via a dvb card. 
So if i understand i can register from my api via SVDRP... is that right?

Cédric Picard

> > I wish to use vdr with command lin , for exemple register something by a
> command
> > line without using the interface.
> > 
> > i hope i'm clear, if not say it i will try to be more clear.
> Hmmm, vdr has no graphical interface except the OSD that is generated on
> the DVB-card. If you want to control vdr without using the OSD you can
> use the keyboard while vdr is attached to a tty.
> If you start vdr in daemon-mode you can control it with SVDRP. See the
> manpages for details.
> Is that what your question is about? 
> Regards,
>   Roland
> -- 
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