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[vdr] Re: DvbDevice::GrabImage killing vdr?

On Friday 21 May 2004 17:50, Helmut Auer wrote:
> Guido Fiala wrote:
> >On Friday 21 May 2004 13:14, Jan Ekholm wrote:
> >>On Thu, 20 May 2004, Guido Fiala wrote:
> >>>Has someone else also experienced that problem?
> >>>
> >>>ASAP a call to this function is made (e.g using the screenshot-plugin)
> >>>vdr dies, no message in syslog, looks like segfault...
> >>
> >>Yes, I've seen it. Doing a SVDRP GRAB command can freeze VDR for a while,
> >>but it usually last less than one minute so the watchdog doesn't get
> >
> >That must be something different - vdr crashes really instantly now.
> >(using dvb-kernel at least)
> >
> >As my kvdr grabs just fine from the _same_ video-device i assume the
> >GrabImage-function is broken in vdr, if the failure is not that obvious to
> >fix i might try to re-import the GrabImage function from kvdr to vdr...
> >
> >Never had grey images either.
> >
> >Guido
> Hi,
> I had the same problem which was caused by kernel 2.6 and a little error
> implemented by the Komplettpatch.
> You can try the following patch.

Thanks! That made it work and no grey images.

Now i like to modify the screenshot-plugin that it takes the name of the 
current channel into the filename or, if currently replaying the name of the 

Don't know if vdr already provides that informations somehow...

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