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[vdr] Re: [Announce] noad 0.4.2


* the Noad <> [27-05-04 21:13]:
>  1: dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. 
>  2: dnl
>  3: dnl Copyright (c) by theNoad <>
>  4:
>  5: AC_PREREQ(2.57)
>  6: AC_INIT(noad, 0.4.2,
>  7: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(dist-bzip2)
>  8: AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([cchecklogo.cpp])
>  9: AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h])
> 10: AC_DEFINE(_GNU_SOURCE, 1, [Define for setting a GNU environment])
> I can change line 7 to
> or 
> and line 9 to 
> AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h])
> and all variations work fine with 'autoreconf' and then 'configure'

Ok, i tried now every combination and it will not work. I will try to
make the configure file with autoconf 2.57 and will compile it than on
different machine.

> If my tips don't help, i'm also clueless about fixing this problem :-(

I hate autoconf, at first i think it is for makeing it easier, but it
seems to make it more complicated.



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