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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-wapd-0.0.1 pre-release

On Mon, 31 May 2004, Thomas Heiligenmann wrote:

>This plugin allows remote control of VDR by WAP clients like mobile
>phones. It implements a simple daemon, which listens on tcp port 8888
>(default) for incoming requests. See README for more details.
>It will make WAP control hopefully more efficient than the CGI approach ;-)
>This is just a pre release, which shall show how to browse through the
>menus (WML cards). The following options _aren't_ implemeted yet:
>- editing and creating of timers or channels
>- escaping of "illegal" characters like Umlauts
>- user authorizazion (!)

This is a very nice plugin, and it worked like a charm. Excellent work,

As you say, authorization would be a very nice thing to have, especially
if one intends to show the plugin to everyone at work. :) Wouldn't want
every dork messing with our little VDR box...

The "timers" list also is a little bit cramped, at least my Nokia 3650
which doesn't have a wide display makes the output look a bit silly. All
columns of the table are given equal width, so the channel numbers etc are
given the same width as the rightmost column, the timer name, which means
that the timer name is split into many rows of 2-3 characters each.
I think that for WAP one has to format the original data a little bit and
at least split the timer name onto a separate line. Maybe the table model
of WAP doesn't allow too elaborate stuff?

Anyway, thanks for a nice plugin.


"It would seem that you have no useful skill or talent whatsoever," he said.
              "Have you thought of going into teaching?"
                                                    -- Terry Pratchett, Mort

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