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[vdr] Re: can I run VDR without root password

On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 09:39:39AM +0200, Tony Grant wrote:
> Le mer 02/06/2004 à 09:14, Andreas Breitenbach a écrit :
> > > I have probably missed something in the doc but each time I run VDR it
> > > asks for the root password. My other half expressed the desire to be
> > > able to use VDR as easily as the "ordinary tele" and I do not give my
> > > root password to the kids...
> > >
> > > VDR only runs in the evening or when I am not using my computer for
> > > work. That is why it is not on all day.
> > 
> > What about starting VDR on a special runlevel (e.g 4) only?
> > You can change runlevel, controlled by a cron job, to do it.
> The dish is shared between analog tuner and digital tuner. If I leave
> VDR running the analog tuner can't get a hold on the LNB. Analog is used
> for French channels that aren't available on digital without
> subscription.
> I guess sudo is the only answer.

No. VDR doesn't need root-rights.

Just make sure that you chown all files owned by root and used by VDR to
whatever use you choose for running VDR.

a) The user must be in the group of the device-files
by) You chown the device-files to the user.

eh voila. VDR runs without root-rights.

The only problem you may have is when you have to (re)load the
DVB-drivers, insmod/modprobe/rmmod need root-rights, but for this case
you could use sudo.

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated, 
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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