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[vdr] Re: WANTED: people who are running vdr-xine on debian testing

On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 09:12:38PM +0200, Reinhard Nissl wrote:
> I'm in email contact with 5 people that are using a debian system and 
> cannot complile xine-lib-CVS nor xine-lib-rc4a, and I don't know, what the 
> problem could be.
> Is there anybody on this ML that has my plugin running on such a system?
I struggled yesterday through this... the problem is: debian testing
uses gcc 3.3.3, which throws an ICE (internal compiler error) when
compiling motion_est.c from xines libavcodec (doesn't occur if
optimizing is disabled)

for more about this and a possible fix...

I worked around it in the following way:

after the first failure of make, go into the libavcodec directory and
edit the makefile, and change CFLAGS=-O3 to CFLAGS=-O0
then do a 'make motion_est.lo'
revert the change to the makefile
call 'make' in the top level directory

so it compiles...

(running it on my stb failed, because cross-compiling xine on an athlon for 
my VIA C3 Settopbox somehow broke... looking at the disassembly output
of gdb showd cmov instructions... which of cause don't work on that cpu.
but why are they there ? so something other in the cross-compile
athlon->c3 broke. I hate host-optimized build processes.)

c u

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