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[vdr] Re: Enhancing vdr UI usability

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 06:11:24PM +0200,

>   Mike> What bothers me most about the colour buttons is that they do
>   different Mike> things in different context.
> That is the idea of softkeys :-) and the difference between a context
> sensitive menu as you described it and the softkeys is more or less
> marginal 

I disagree, but obviously I am in the minority.  I do not like generic
keys.  IMHO, it is not user friendly.

> Ok, Klaus stated that he will introduce a general "Info" button. This
> leads me to the problem to get hands on a (non-Hauppauge) RC, wich has
> some more buttons (as I am a DVB-T / DXR3 user I need also a restart
> button for the vdr :-(...

I am not familiar with your remote, however I am currently using an ATI
remote which is also button-challenged.  My ultimate goal is to use my
generic Philips universal remote, which has buttons for
TV/VCR/DVD/CD/etc which should provide more than enough functionality
for VDR.  BTW, this remote does not have colour buttons.  I guess it's a
North American remote.

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