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[vdr] Re: Enhancing vdr UI usability


Just so you know I would be very interested in seeing a grid type EPG

I installed the calandar plugin and although it does provide the EPG in a
grid it is definitely not as easy to use as the one on my old receiver.

This plugin is the closest that I have seen to the type of EPG display you
are talking about:

The only problem is that it displays the stations as columns and the time as
rows which is the opposite of what we are used to (I haven't tried the
plugin though...  there might be a way to change this in the plugin
preference but the Readme makes no reference to such an option).  In any
case it might be a good starting point.

Good luck and please share anything you come up with!!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Frisch" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 10:49 AM
Subject: [vdr] Enhancing vdr UI usability

> Disclaimer: I am very pleased with the basic operation and performance
> of VDR, I simply want to make it more friendly to use from a remote
> control.
> I would like to have the user interface of vdr to more resemble that of
> a common satellite receiver/STB.  Essentially, the functionality of
> things like the Red/Green/Yellow/Blue buttons would be replaced with
> on-screen menus/buttons for selecting options.
> Regarding an EPG/IPG, I would like to see something in the grid format
> that we've grown accustomed to in consumer electronics devices.
> I am fully willing to put some time and effort into planning this out,
> implementing it, and releasing patches.
> My question is, has anybody started a similar project?  If not, is
> anybody interested in helping out with this effort?

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