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[vdr] Re: cSafeFile and clusternfs

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Luca Olivetti wrote:

I'm testing what is going to be my vdr machine. It's a diskless pc which
boots with etherboot and uses nfs for its filesystems (currently running
vdr-1.3.8 with the streamdev-server plugin, the display is done on
another computer with streamdev-client).
The nfs server is running clusternfs (,
basically because it's the easiest option to setup a diskless machine
with mandrake). The "problem" (actually a feature) is that clusternfs
maps files with "$" in the name in a special way depending on the client
that reads/writes it (so you can have different files with the same name
for different clients).
After a while I noticed I had a lot of files with strange names in the
video directory (various copies of channels.conf,, setup.conf
with funny and random suffixes). Besides, many times the "real" files
(channels.conf, setup.conf) where corrupted (e.g, some epg data appended
to channel.conf and/or to setup.conf).
I changed the suffix for the tempFile in cSafeFile constructor from
"$$$" (a mapping that shouldn't be used anyway by clusternfs) to "###".
After variuos hours with vdr running after the change I don't have funny
filenames anymore (one it's still there though: channels.conf00000de?),
but there's still epg data appended at the end of channels.conf and

Is it simply a clusternfs bug? Any other idea?

I don't think that it is a good idea of a file system to mess around
with file names in that way.
Oh, it is, so you can export the same filesystem to a bunch of machines and just make a handful of personalized configuration files. Pity that it doesn't work.

I'd call it a bug of 'clusternfs'.
I'd say you're right: after trying unfs3,, with which I got rid of the funny names but not of epg garbage appended to channels.conf and setup.conf, I managed to setup everything with the kernel nfs server and the problems are gone. Pity that is not as easy to setup as clusternfs/unfs3. Maybe I'll try the mixed approach described in

Or simply put a disk in the computer running vdr, since I now realized that my old pentium 100, although completely silent, has not enough horsepower to drive the dxr3 plugin[*], and with a more powerful computer disk noise isn't a major concern :-(

[*] I just received a dxr3, up until now I've been testing with the streamdev-server and, save for a few channels, the pentium 100 worked well enough.

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