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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] fix segfaults because of channels with umlauts

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

I don't see why my system should use UTF-8. I am German, all right, but iso8859-1
works just fine for me
I doubt it: last I checked Germany was in the euro zone, and iso8859-1 doesn't have an € symbol. Maybe you mean iso8859-15 ? ;-)

(btw: Linux is a multiple _concurrent_ users systems. If all of them share the same character set, then there's no problem using iso8859-x, otherwise utf is the only available option. The problem is that current implementations of utf8 systems just plain suck, and the first thing I do is remove all traces of utf8 in /etc/sysconfig/i18n, but that's because all the locales I use share the same charset).

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