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[vdr] Re: Deinterlacing

Hi Emil,

> > My 8500
> > Ultra costs in excess of 50 000 Euro if I had bought it new. I had
> > a look at several digital models beforehand (price range up to 10K
> > Euro) and none provided really satisifing pictures.

> That's is just a matter of taste. What you are finding satisfying may
> not be satisfying for others. There is just more than the technology
> which finallys lead to a decision.

I will have to agree to that statement ;o)) I just never found any
kind of digital PJ to satisfy me.

> > I know you are a VDR geek (meant in the nicest of ways!), so I
> > really wonder why you bought a digital display unit ;o))

> Because it is the best unit in my environment. For a CRT projector you
> need a dedicated room to optimize everything to the limit. My projector
> is setup in a normal living room and is absolutely hidden by a projector

Ah, okay. While my HT room isn't dedicated to pure HT usage,
it isn't the everyday living room and I don't have a spouse that
needs to be satisfied ;o))

> about 1.8 screen width. The image is just as seemless like with a CRT
> projector. Believe me, I have seen a great number of different setups at

I really find that hard to believe ;o)) I have never seen a seemless
image on a digital unit. I DO have to admit I haven't been closely
following digital technology the last year, tho.

>and I am still happy with my setup.

Of course that is the main thing!

> Each decision is finally a compromise.

Yes, that's true.

> > > Don't agree, especially not when you have cable runs of 10+ meters and
> > > with the output of the DVB-S card. The image is just to noisy.

> > Emil, I was talking in general here (but including the DVB ;o)).
> > <snip>

> Did you ever use the RGB signal of a DVB-S card?

Yes, of course ;o))

> I tested it and it was not better than S-Video because there is a lot of
> noise from the computer.

Hmm, I can't say the same thing here. I find RGB to be better
even on a standard TV set.

> It has absolutely nothing to do with the PJ because I tested everything
> with standard TVs taking the native RGB signal (of course with proper
> termination). The noise was to large for me an the S-video was clean.

Strange. I find the exact opposite to be true.

> > No ;o)) because transponder bandwith is expensive. That's why a lot
> > of films are shown in 352 x 288 and you can hardly call that quality

> Most of the recordings I have are recorded with 704x576 anamorphic with
> data rates of more than 3.5 Mbps. Only a few recordings have are
> resolution of 480x576. I never saw a transmission with the low
> resolution you mentioned.

Pro-7 usually (at least the last films I recorded via VDR before
starting work on my HT) usually had 480 x 576. I know a lot of
PPV films are 704 x 576, but I don't have Premiere ;o)) I have
various recordings in 352 x 288. Most of which I will never
record on DVD.

> BTW, I currently have 421 recordings with 1.1 TB on my 2+
> TB disk storage. :-)

That's what I meant, when I said you are a VDR geek ;o))) I don't
have anywhere near that much, even counting the recordings already
on DVD.

> > Secondly the MPEG-2 algo simply introduces artifacts, because it
> > cuts down on the information in the stream. Adding a digital
> > transmission path to the DVB output stage won't change this root
> > problem. HDTV, once introduced, will change some of this, but our
> > beloved FF cards (actually the AV711x chip) can't handle HDTV,
> > causing it to crash. So we will need to rely on Convergence or
> > some other company to write a firmware for newer, HDTV capable,
> > DVB-S cards. I don't know if *that* will ever happen.

> You can receive HDTV with a standard Nova card. But then you need
> another way to decode the stream. A feature to decode onto the installed
> graphic card is still missing in VDR.

Yes, I know but since HDTV isn't consumer ready in Europe, I have never
given getting VDR HDTV ready more than a second glance. There are a lot
of ideas floating around on VDR Portal, tho.


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