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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: vdr-launcher-0.0.2


some bugfixes, support for vdr 1.3.11 and a new feature, that lets you
display 'info pages' about a plugin, that describes the usage (can be useful
for plugins with a rich interface, like dvd-plugin).

I have attached two files, one for 1.2.6 and the other for 1.3.11.

From the README:

This is a little plugin, that allows you to select and start other
plugins, even if there are not shown in the main menu. You can also
access the setup menu of a plugin. If available you can also display
a little man page about the plugin. This is useful, if a plugin has
a comlicated interface with many different keys for usage, like the
dvd plugin.

Christian Wieninger

Attachment: vdr_1.3.11-launcher-0.0.2.tgz
Description: application/compressed

Attachment: vdr_1.2.6-launcher-0.0.2.tgz
Description: application/compressed

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