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[vdr] Re: Streaming radio with streamdev

I think Streamdev needs to be in "PS" output mode for this to work.  I have
not gotten it to work any other way.  Then you may be able to have vlc split
the audio and video streams using the #ES module found in vls. 

This is what I am currently using over my local network:

vlc$1 --sout

Then I use WMP9 to connect to http://myvlcserver:1234

But, if you look in the vlc documentation, there are some examples of how
vlc can split the audio and video streams.  So, it is possible that vlc
could output only the sound to a server.  I believe the "ES" module does
this in vlc, instead of using "transcode".  Actually, you may need to use
both the ES and transcode modules.  You could have the ES module split the
stream and feed that into the transcode module.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Philippe Gramoullé
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 3:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] Re: Streaming radio with streamdev
> Hello,
> I've followed your guidelines to compile vlc with mp3lame 
> support and all went fine (except i had to explicitly
> reference the static ffmpeg libraries to VLC).
> Still, i can't get any radio streaming (and also 
> http://myhost:3000/ES/xx doesn't work).
> Before i start VLC, VDR is tuned to an FTA radio channel.
> Though, vlc seems to start fine, either mplayer or Windows 
> Media Player stop immediatly
> after i try to get the stream.
> I'm using Debian Sid too.
> Any idea ?
> Thanks,
> Philippe

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