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[vdr] Re: saving recording info
Am Sonntag, 11. Juli 2004 12:38 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> the Noad wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, 6. Juli 2004 22:05 schrieb Jouni Karvo:
> > > hello,
> > >
> > > would it be possible for the VDR to add a file containing the timer
> > > information (including channel etc from where the recording was made)
> > > to the *.rec directory?
> >
> > Appended a patch for that. With that patch vdr writes a file
> > "recinfo.vdr" in the recording directory. Inside this file are two lines:
> > first line is the complete timer-info
> > second line is the complete channel info.
> I don't think it is a good idea to introduce yet another file for this.
Why not? That file has only some bytes and gets also deleted if the recording
is deleted, like all other files in the recording dir.
> What I'll probably do is to modify the summary.vdr file, so that it
> contains tagged entries (like the EPG data file does), which can be
> extended to hold information as described in the original post.
Other addons like vdradmin have to change their behavior if they dont like to
display this technical info in the summary.
> Klaus
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