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[vdr] Re: Wishlist: TV/Radio selector
On Monday 2004-07-26 21:39, Lauri Tischler wrote:
| After installing shiny new 1.3.12 I naturally forgot to
| edit sdt.c and remove detection of radiochannels.
| Then in no time at all my dish collected about
| 600 useless radiochannels.
| Selection of TV/TV+Radio would be really nice.
I also would like to have separate TV and Radio lists, just like my
Nokia 9500 receiver with DVB2000. It shouldn't be hard to implement
when two separate channel.conf files are used.
| Anybody know a tool to get rid of all cruft in channels.conf
| where vpid = 0. Could write something in perl but maybe
| the wheel has been invented :)
This one-liner removes all radio channels:
perl -anF: -e 'print if /^:/ or $F[5] != 0' channels.conf >
Dick Streefland //// De Bilt (@ @) The Netherlands
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