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[vdr] Re: ffmpeg errors with softdevice

Thanks for your detailed report:

On Freitag, 23. Juli 2004 14:27, Dominique Dumont wrote:

[ .. ]
> I've run a test with kernel 2.6.7, vdr 1.3.12 softdevice 0.0.7pre1 and
> alsa 1.0.5.

[ .. ]
> * with plughw:1,0 (line out of Nforce2 chip, snd-intel8x0, 44100Hz): I

> * with plughw:1,2 (spdif out of Nforce2 chip, snd-intel8x0, 48000Hz):

> * with plughw:0,0 (line out of SBlive 5.1): I have not figured out how

If this one is just silence you can try to play around with "alsamixergui"
and find the button/plug which has to be actived.

> * with plughw:0,3 (spdif out of SBlive 5.1, snd_emu10k1, 48000Hz):

> Note that plughw:0,3 output works fine with mplayer.

So I've to make audio device selectable via command line parameter.
Somtihing like "-ao:dev=1,2" which will be substituted by : "plughw:1,2" .

> Is there any other test I can do to help ?

At the moment I've no idea.

Stefan Lucke

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