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[vdr] Re: Failing to compil with 2.6.8-rc2

Am Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2004 03:03 schrieb Christian Gmeiner:
> Works... fine :)
> Does "-D__user=" break building vdr on other kernels? If not, we should ask
> Klaus, if he adds "-D__user=" to the
> Makefile.

I surely hope that will _never_ happen, since it's totally breaking the strict 
seperation of user and kernel space.

With the correct USER-space kernel headers (matching the KERNEL space kernel 
headers), this problem shouldn't occur at all. If it does anyway, it's an 
error in the USER-space kernel header package (i.e. the userspace headers 
only know V4L1, while the kernel has V4L2).


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