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[vdr] Re: Softdevice 0.0.7pre2 crash w/ DFB, CLE266

On Sonntag, 1. August 2004 16:24, Nicolas Huillard wrote:
> Nicolas Huillard wrote:
> > Next step : I'l try today's CVS DirectFB version...
> > I think you use CVS HEAD from 200404, isn't it ?
> > 
> After a cvs update and a lot of compile, it finally works (ie. does not 
> throw an exception at startup).
> I still have a few things to do (make sure DirectFB is good, reboot, 
> wonder why softdevice asks to press a remote key at startup, find the 
> best resolution/pixel format, wonder why some channels are so jerky, etc.)

Some time (between 0.0.6 and 0.0.7pre1) dfb-out got its own remote so
learning keys for this one should be ok. Normal pixel-format should be
I420 except you got "wrong colors ", then choose YV12. When stretchblit
works accellerated then you could choose YUY2 which results in alpha
blended OSD (works with matrox). From the log (epia):
[dfb] Accellerated Functions: FillRectange DrawRectange DrawLine FillTriangle Blit StretchBlit All
stretchblit should work too, but actually it doesn't :-).

In a way oddities go on with this board. When using "mode = 1280x1024" via directfbrc then
it is running at full screen video. With "mode = 1024x768" OSD is as expected larger but
video area is only in the upper left part of the screen (768x576 ??).

OT: My opinion on these M10000 boards is, they are noisy, runreliable in networking
(if networking works it depends on some magic if they try netboot or local
disk boot, bios setting have no influence on that). So keep your fingers ....

Stefan Lucke

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