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[vdr] Re: Porting info for skins based UI?

Am Montag, 2. August 2004 11:59 schrieb Jan Ekholm:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of plugins that are done using the old OSD code (VDR
> 1.3.6), and which need some surgery to work with the new skins. Is there
> some material available somewhere (preferable in English) that would aid
> in the process?
> My code mainly uses the methods:
> 	Interface->Open()

a) Done by the skin. Obtain a skin display using 
Skins.Current()->DisplayWhatever and use that classes methods to alter the 
OR b) Open an OSD yourself using the cOsdObject class
OR c) Only use menu pages with single line items

> 	Interface->Clear()
> 	Interface->WriteText()

Must be done by a) (inside the skin) or b) (using cOsd-functions) or c) 
(Clearing the menu page / setting an item's text)

> 	Interface->Width()

Didn't find anything similar to this, yet. You can get the "would-be" value by 
dividing Setup.OSDWidth by the former value of cOsd::CellWidth()

> 	Interface->Flush()


> 	Interface->Close ()

Done by deleting the objects created by a), b) or c)

> Are there any obvious replacements for those, or does the porting effort
> require major changes to my plugins?

Depends on which of a), b) or c) you choose, I guess...

> I hope the old OSD menu code still works, as there is countless hours of
> frustration behind what I currently have working... :)

We all know that, and there will _always_ be more countless hours of 
frustration when versions change, but that's evolution :-)


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