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[vdr] Re: on pressing "r" kvdr adds timer instead of recording

Thats ok of course. And I don't expect the problem to be in kvdr, I rather assume a vdr issue.
The problem is, that for some movies (or "events" in DVB words) the vdr doesn't start recording on pressing "r" (or maybe the RECORD button on RC). Just a timer is added for that time but actually no recording is done. So I am not able to record that movie. So I ask if there is any way to start recording when it doesn't work over hitting "r".

(At the same time when that failure occurs it is possible to record on most other DVB services. So it must be service and event dependend. I think it is important to mention, that everything works in the previous event and the following event on such a service.)


--- original Nachricht Ende ----

Hitting 'r' should be the same as the RECORD button at your RC,
whats wrong with this?


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