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[vdr] Crash/Restart after each recording?

I'm getting the following each time VDR stops recording a program:

Aug  5 21:02:01 merlin vdr[6304]: timer 5 (3 1959-2102 'The Bill') stop
Aug  5 21:02:01 merlin vdr[6304]: deleting timer 5
Aug  5 21:02:02 merlin vdr[6304]: caught signal 1
Aug  5 21:02:02 merlin vdr[6304]: saved setup to /home/vdr/setup.conf
Aug  5 21:02:02 merlin vdr[6304]: stopping plugin: mediamvp
Aug  5 21:02:02 merlin vdr[6304]: exiting

Where's that signal 1 coming from?  I've scoured the source and can't
see anywhere that VDR itself or any of my installed plugins could issue
a "kill SIGHUP".

[VDR 1.3.12, Kernel 2.6.7, 2 * Twinhan 1020 DVB-T cards]



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