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[vdr] Re: VDR 'hangs' startup, part II


i had the same problems like Thomas Glomann.
'I cannot control VDR, neither via LIRC nor KBD'
I think i know the reason for the hangup.

I'm using the so called LinVDR Distribution.
With 1.3.6 no problems.
After a switch to 1.3.12 same Problems than Thomas.

My configuration:
- 1 harddisk with 3 partitions
- VDR on partition hda1
- hda3 mounted to /video0

For testing i make a backup of the files on hda1 to a subdirectory on hda3
(in /video0).

And that is (so think i) the reason for the hangup.
On startup VDR is scanning the directory /video0 für recordings.

And something in my backup-directory is the reason for the hangup.
If i remove my backup-directory in /video0 all is working perfect.

Maybe this can help anyone.

Thanks for the great programm VDR!!

Willi Butz

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