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[vdr] Re: managing channels

Sad wrote:
Luca Olivetti a écrit :

Luca Olivetti wrote:

Sad wrote:

3) is there any other plugin than channelswitcher to organize channels list?

Try ChanOrg...

Seems cool! I actually had it in my vdr bookmarks but forgot about it.

Mmmh, I'm trying it but I'm having strange problems:

- it doesn't recognize all my existing separators (some of them are seen as normal channels, and when I try to "zap" to them vdr restart)
- the ordering of the channel is really strange, it seems they are in reverse but not quite: the firts channel is the last one in my channels.conf, my channel 2 is marked 2712 in the plugin, but my channel 1 is missing. OTOH some of the separators-seen-as-real-channels are in wacky positions
- when I close the plugin I see on the console a

free(): invalid pointer 0x409b52a0!

I have various patches applied but I think that none of them affecting the channels method used by the plugin.

Humm, very strange, I never see such problem...

Maybe you can email me (in private at this email adress) you channels.conf so I can try to reproduce and correct this!
Ok, I'll send it yo you in another mail, but maybe it's due to a combination of plugins/patches.

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