Hi, since I missed the repepg-patch of Gerhard Steiner in the developer version, I wrote a plugin, that searches for repeatings and allows other searches. the Readme: Description: EPG-Search shows repeatings of schedule entries and allows you to search the EPG. Your search parameters are stored to reuse the search later on. Works only for vdr-1.3.x (x>=7). Tested on 1.3.11 and 1.3.12. Parts of the sources are based on the repeating-epg-patch from Gerhard Steiner, who gave me the permission to use them (thanks for his work!). At first glance EPG-Search looks like the schedules menu entry of vdr. Differences: The red key is not used for recording, but displays the repeatings of the selected entry. With the blue key, you can enter a search menu. Here you can add, edit, delete and start searches. In the search edit menu, you can define your search criterions, like the search text and others. The setup menu gives you only the option, to hide the plugin in main menu. Have fun! Christian Wieninger
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