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[vdr] Re: stop 1.3.X auto update for ONE channel
On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 11:53 +0200, Oliver Endriss wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 15. September 2004 01:47, Malcolm Caldwell wrote:
> > I have one channel that I cannot tune with the parameters received 'off
> > the air'. I can however tune it with other paremeters. This is probably
> > just a driver issue, and I should try to fix it there, but I am running
> > the latest 2.4 kernel + dvb kernel code which is quite out of date.
> >
> > The problem is vdr 1.3 start up, but as soon as I tune to that channel
> > (which works the first time with my 'incorrect' parameters vdr edits
> > the channel definition so subsequent tunings to that channel fail. To
> > get this channel to work again I have to edit the channels.conf file by
> > hand.
> >
> > So, is there a way to tell vdr 'auto update everything, but never touch
> > this channel'?
> Try the radio-id trick:
> Set the radio-id of this channel (last field in channels.conf) to a
> non-zero value. VDR will add a new entry (with zero radio-id) at the end
> of your channels.conf but this shouldn't matter.
I have tried that and it does not work: I end up with two versions of
the channels with two rids but vdr still updates the rid=1 version as
well as the new rid=0 version.
So, it would seem I just have get working drivers on to this system.
> Oliver
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