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[vdr] softdevice on Matrox G400 DH crtc2
I have a Nova-S DVB card and a working directfb setup (for example
freevo and mplayer work OK on the second head of my Matrox G400 DH, on
the TV).
I managed to install vdr-1.3.11 and the latest softdevice-0.0.7_pre2
plugin (from the german alternative gentoo repository).
I can run vdr with softdevice when I configure /etc/directfbrc to
display on the monitor, but I want it and need it to display on the
crtc2, therefore my directfb configuration looks like this:
If I to run vdr with softdevice in this directfb configuration, I get
the output below. Is the output on the second head not yet supported?
htpc ~ # vdr -P softdevice
[softdevice] processing args
[softdevice] argv [0] = softdevice
[softdevice] initializing Plugin
[softdevice] Initializing Video Out
[softdevice] ffmpeg version(0.4.9-pre1) build(4718)
[dfb] init
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.
---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.21 ---------------------
(c) 2000-2002 convergence integrated media GmbH
(c) 2002-2004 convergence GmbH
(*) DirectFB/Core: Multi Application Core. (with MMX support)
(2004-09-19 19:40)
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using MMXEXT optimized memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Fusion Dispatch' (MESSAGING, 2961)...
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'VT Switcher' (CRITICAL, 2964)...
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'joystick'
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'lirc'
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'ps2mouse'
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Linux Input' (INPUT, 2987)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: PS/2 Generic Mouse (1) 0.1 (convergence integrated
media GmbH)
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Linux Input' (INPUT, 2988)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard (2) 0.1 (convergence
integrated media GmbH)
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Keyboard Input' (INPUT, 2990)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Matrox G400 0.7 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/WM: Default 0.1 (Convergence GmbH)
[dfb] RAM: 33554432 bytes
[dfb] Accellerated Functions: FillRectange DrawRectange DrawLine
FillTriangle Blit StretchBlit All
[dfb] Drawing Flags: Blend
[dfb] Surface Blitting Flags: BlendAlpha BlendColorAlpha Colorize
SrcColorkey Deinterlace
[dfb] Supported video Modes are: 720x576@16 800x600@16 1024x768@16
1280x1024@16 640x400@16
[dfb] Enumeratig display Layers
Layer 2 FBDev Primary Layer Type: graphics
Caps: brightness contrast saturation surface
This is our videoLayer
Layer 1 Matrox Backend Scaler Type: graphics picture video
Caps: brightness contrast deinterlacing dst_colorkey screen_location
Layer 0 Matrox CRTC2 Layer Type: graphics picture video
Caps: brightness contrast flicker_filtering hue saturation surface
Layer 3 Matrox CRTC2 Sub-Picture Type: graphics picture video
Caps: alphachannel opacity surface
[dfb] width = 720, height = 576
[dfb] got fmt = 0x00418c04 bpp = 32
[dfb] Using this layer for OSD: (Matrox CRTC2 Layer - [720x576])
- videoonly
- flipping
- videoonly
[dfb] Configuring CooperativeLevel for Overlay
[dfb] Configuring ColorKeying
[dfb] Configuring CooperativeLevel for OSD
[dfb] Using this layer for OSD: Matrox CRTC2 Layer
[dfb] Using this layer for Video out: FBDev Primary Layer
[dfb] (re)configuring Videolayer to 720 x 576 (720x576)
Can't configure ScreenLocation. Hope it is Fullscreen
Caught: c@ (!!!) *** WARNING [Application exited without
deinitialization of DirectFB!] *** [core.c:638 in dfb_core_deinit_check()]
PuTTYPuTTY(!) Direct/Thread: Killing 'Fusion Dispatch' (2961)!
htpc ~ #
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