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[vdr] Re: Multiple languaghes
Anders Sandell <> uttered the following thing:
> Hi list,
> On a few channels i get audio in several languaghes. For example when watching Eurosport i get audio in both swedish and danish at the same time...
> My channels.conf has the following line for Eurosport:
> Eurosport;Telenor:12476:hC34:S1.0W:27800:513:644=sve,645=nor:577:B00:905:70:21:0
> Can anyone on the list explain this behaviour and maybe give me a hint on how to get audio in one languaghe??
A question I asked recently on this list and got an answer for. It's a
patch to have a 'preferred' audio language track:
Alternatively, if you have fixed channels configured and dont have auto
channel update enabled, you can manually edit the channels.conf and
remove the PIDS for languages you dont want.
Note that some channels do another trick, which is to put one language
on one audio channel (left), another on the other channel (right).
There's no way I know of to deal with this properly except to twiddle
with the balance with your audio system.
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