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[vdr] Re: How to kill an svdrp connection from vdr ?

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Philip Lawatsch wrote:

>Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> So basicly you're saying that there may never be any new error, whatsoever?
>> If the application doesn't know an error, then it should treat it
>> as an "unknown error". After all, I _must_ be free to add new error
>> messages as they become necessary!
>Of course you're free to add errors. But this error is different from a
>normal error. This new error is a temporary error where the application
>should just get the new timer list and try it again. This is imho
>different from a normal error where the app most likely should give up.

The world of result codes is not plain black and white with only real
errors and successfully executed actions, there can also be a gray area in
the middle with "partially successful actions", "not serious errors" and
"try again later errors". VDR has previously been black and white, now
Klaus just introduces some gray into the picture. :)

  Shadwell hated all southerners and, by inference, was standing at the
  North Pole.
                           -- Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens

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