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[vdr] Re: Separating Radio from TV?

Luca Olivetti wrote: wrote:


my channels.conf is rather large so that radio channels start beyond
300-something (actually: :@401 to keep radio channel numbers in
case something changes below). This is somewhat uncomfortable. I was
thinking about whether we could separate TV from Radio by a separate
channels-radio.conf and a separate top level menu entry like for MP3
etc. What do you think?

A while ago I posted a patch to filter tv/radio from the channel list and the channel up/down function. Unfortunately it doesn't apply to 1.3.15 and I hadn't time to look into it yet.
The patch is here
Attached is the patch revised for vdr-1.3.15. It depends on another patch (whose author I don't remember) that adds new channels (via autoupdate) in a section depending on the source instead of at the end of channels.conf (also revised for vdr-1.3.15 and attached, if you don't want to apply this one, mine will cause a reject but it's easy to edit manually).


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Attachment: vdr-1.3.15-Source-dependant-NewChannels-Insertation.diff.bz2
Description: application/bzip

Attachment: vdr-1.3.15-channel-filter.diff.bz2
Description: application/bzip

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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