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[vdr] Re: [OT] Via EPIA M10k ethernet malfunction : fixed

The fix is proper grounding : connect the mains ground to the computer case.

I was facing the same problem last year - the ethernet was working only after 5 or 6 periodical reboots. I read also about those grounding tricks at VIA Arena forums, but the reason is that Morex was simply a little underpowered. My EPIA combination draws power at start a bit more than the Morex can offer and my fix was to put a big capasitor next to Morex DC-to-DC card to smooth the power draw at start. IMHO a cleaner solution than mess up with the grounding...
I've been facing this problem, too, and tried both solutions above, but it didn't help. What *did* help was throwing away my 3Com switch, and buying a new noname one. since then everything works like a charm!

bye, Michael

Michael Reinelt <>
GPG-Key 0xDF13BA50
ICQ #288386781

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