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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-submenu-0.0.1

Sad schrieb:

Andreas Brugger a écrit :

Are you using easy input??
Because I see that you have name starting with a "+", which is not declared as an allowed char...
Maybe the cause of your troubles (work fine for me on 1.3.17 too)
Try removing the +, or add + in the 199 ligne of submenu-setup.c file


Yes I do, but I editted the MainMenu.conf manually. I'will try your recommendation.

I was thinking about this one :

> 2.) If I try to create a submenu, VDR crashes after entering the name of the menu-entry.

Maybe it crashes because of not allowed char, but I know that easy input let you put whichever char you wanted, even if it's not allowed (only allowed char are availlable with Up and Down key)

I can't reproduice this, so I though about this reason...


Ah, there you go. No, it also happens with something like "test" or "aa" ...
I get an instant crash of vdr after entering the name and pressing ok.
The exact way is: 'Create' (Red), 'Before' (Red) or 'After', 'Sub Menu', 'test', 'OK' --> Crash

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