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[vdr] Re: request: tune second / third card from within vdr Schoeller)  04.12.04 16:40

>hi all

hi u.

>is there a way to tune the second / third card to as specific channel?
>i'm using tvinfosat epg (which reads epg info from # viva stream).

>so i have to tune to viva first to use the "stream reader". but if i
>use telnet and the chan cmd, vdr tunes the primary card. but i'd like
>to continue watching tv (or a recording) and use the not used card for
>epg read thread.

>of course in that case stopping the backround epg scan would be great
>because the infosat scan take about 15min and channel switching stops
>receiving data (obviously ;).

If i understand right:
Maybe that locking/assignment can be done by (extending) 
the "configurable LNB_sharing_patch"?


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