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[vdr] Re: channels.conf garbage.

Carsten Koch wrote:
I like the fact that VDR automatically keeps my channels.conf up-to-date,
but I dislike the fact that it keeps getting larger and larger,
slowly evolving into a pile of garbage.

There are three kinds of channels.conf entries that I consider garbage.
I believe they are very much like spam:

1)  channels that are no longer in service.
Some channels come and go, so even if you remove them they just pop back

2)  channels that use an encryption that I have no CAM for.
This removes all channels where ca <> 0
perl -anF: -e 'print if /^:/ or $F[7] != 0' channels.conf >

3)  channels that do not have an audio PIDs with a language that
    I can understand.
Not all providers actually sen language info, only apidnumber

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