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[vdr] Re: Sound muted after playing file with mplayer plugin

Dr. Werner Fink wrote:
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 09:59:17AM -0800, C.Y.M wrote:

This is intended, after replaying a PCM/AC3/DTS stream the audio
of the LiveTV should be not muted ... simply as it would be after
replaying normal VDR recordings with MP2 audio.

Yes, it behaves correctly if I am currently recording a show. The problem is when I am not recording something, and then play a show with mplayer through vdr, the sound is muted when resuming back to live tv.

Which audio format does mplayer play throughout the DVB card
via the VDR?

INFO: Variable CMDLINE has value "/usr/bin/mplayer -vo mpegpes -ao mpegpes -framedrop -cache 4096 -slave -nolirc -quiet"

I would assume mplayer is using PCM to playback the video files. I am not using the SPDIF right now. I am only testing with a Nexus-S FF card (I do not know how budget cards react with this). The MP3 portion of the plugin uses PCM and it does not have a problem like mplayer does. If I just play a mp3, then stop playback, live tv regains its audio just fine. This problem only occurs when playing back both audio and video (mplayer).

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