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[vdr] Re: Easiest way for VDR 1.3x with Suse 9.2?

Ludwig Nussel wrote:

Lirc is more difficult, I've just spent hours on it. I had to recompile the kernel after removing the Lirc drivers, uninstall Suse Lirc and install
What remote do you have? If it's a serial one read
/usr/share/doc/packages/lirc/README.SUSE first.

That document works excellenty. I got Lirc working in ten minutes, although I had a configuration file for the remote already.

This feels odd, VDR *and* Lirc working, and not a single kernel recompilation needed so far.. I think this sort of proves this linux-thing is easy enough for a grandma to set up. :-)

0.7.0pre8 from the Lirc site. Add lirc to the dependencies after vdr in /etc/init.d/.depend.start or Suse will insist on starting Lirc after vdr.

Modifying that file is useless, it's autogenerated and will be
overwritten by insserv. The correct fix is to add the line

# Should-Start: lirc

to /etc/init.d/vdr. Alternatively use vdr from the supplementary
directory on, it's already fixed in that version.

That didn't quite work for me for some reason, maybe because I did it after using the chkconfig commands. I ended up renaming the links in /etc/init.d/rc5.d/ so the start order gets changed.

Now everything works, except I don't have EPG data. The file's almost empty, just listing the channels I've visited. Pretty inconvenient.

Ari Huttunen

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