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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] Enigma-0.2 Skin for text2skin 1.0


C.Y.M wrote:

C.Y.M wrote:

I have noticed a few small problems with the latest Enigma skin which I have created a patch for.

1) The conditional was wrong for the display of the icons. If an icon did not exist, an error was displayed in the syslog.

2) Formatting to accept larger channel numbers (5 digits instead of 3)

3) Fixed formatting of Date/Time so they do not overlap.

Best Regards,

BTW, *very* nice skin to who made it :)

Thank you very much. Sorry, I must have missed your post ... have been very busy lately and I didn't really checked the ML.

I will try to work in this fixes and realease a Version 0.2a or something like that. There was also some feedback on the vdr-portal which seems to fix the ugly flickering if switching within the first 3 menu-itmes.

Sorry for the repost, but I just noticed that there is an Enigma-0.2 out now :). Here are the same patches above but for the newest release.
The new release will also find it's way to the usual place ( so there should be no confusion anymore ... sorry for that.

N.B. Regarding patch #3 above, I noticed that this was somewhat fixed by the author by just removing the year from the date, but I re-adjusted it to fit the entire thing.
I dropped the year because it took up to much place ... especially if there is a pgrogress-bar and additonal audio-info. And I guess the year is not really that importand ... doesn't change that often. ;-)

Andreas Brugger (aka Brougs78)

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