----Origineel Bericht----
Van : cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl
Datum : 08/09/2014 07:42
Aan : vdr@linuxtv.org
Onderwerp : [vdr] delete recordings instead of renaming to .del?
Hi All,
After I have watched a show, I delete it within VDR. VDR immediately shows me there's now more free space on the disk. In reality, VDR has renamed the .rec directory to .del. Therefore the recording is not really gone, and still takes up space on my hard drive. After some time VDR removes all .del directories. Then the space is freed on the hard drive.
Is it possible to let VDR immediately remove the recording from the hard drive? How does VDR decide it's time to remove all the .del directories?
Kind regards,
forgot my version numbers:
vdr --version
Sep 8 07:36:59.454 [general.debug] using new 1.7.11+ capture code
vdr (1.7.28/1.7.28) - The Video Disk Recorder
epgsearchonly (0.0.1) - Direct access to epgsearch's search menu
quickepgsearch (0.0.1) - Quick search for broadcasts
streamdev-server (0.6.0) - VDR Streaming Server
xineliboutput (1.0.90-cvs) - X11/xine-lib output plugin
conflictcheckonly (0.0.1) - Direct access to epgsearch's conflict check menu
sc (1.0.0pre-HG-29b7b5f231c8+) - A software emulated CAM
live (0.2.0) - Live Interactive VDR Environment
epgsearch (1.0.1) - search the EPG for repeats and more