Hi Frank,

Could this be the cause of the watchdog exit I get more or less regularly when my infosat/tvm2vdr.pl scripts are sending  status updates via SVDRP ?
Afaik could this cause the watchdog to fire when another SVDRP command comes in ?

The script does a little more status messages than the original scripts. SVDRP messages are send around each ~30sec.

However I may give your suggestion a try.

I would happily live again with a broken pipe instead of the exit ;-)

regards    Peter

P.S. it's quite anoying here as it causes from time to time kernel panic caused by some race condition when reloading the DVB drivers.

vdr-bounces@linuxtv.org schrieb am 19.07.2006 12:59:36:

> Hi,
> I would like to raise an issue with SVDRP. When the client doesn't send QUIT
> but simply closes the connection, VDR happily ignores the EOF returned by
> read. The socket will remain in state CLOSE_WAIT until it's finally closed due
> to the SVDRP timeout. In the meantime the SVDRP port remains blockedfor other
> clients.
> I think the way it was implemented until vdr-1.2.1 was correct. Then a broken
> pipe problem was reported
> (http://linvdr.org/mailinglists/vdr/2003/07/msg00254.html) and the
> implementation of cSVDRP::Process was modified to the way which is still used
> in 1.4.1.