On Feb 10, 2008 3:20 PM, Stefan Wagner <
stefanwag@gmx.at> wrote:
"Petri Helin" <phelin@googlemail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Has there been any progress regarding this issue? It looks like ProjectX
> will fail in case there are subtitles in a VDR recording made with
> version 1.5.10 or later, because ProjectX does not recognize them being
> subtitles and will eventually get stuck to an unending loop. What might
> be the major difference between the old subtitles plugin's way of saving
> subtitles and the way they are saved now?
ProjectX 0.90.4.b22 works with vdr 1.5.x recordings.
but with burn 0.1.0-pre21 i have problems with naming of audio files.
projectx beta named files other than old projectx.
have anyone a fix for that?