
a new version (0.0.15) of the pin plugin available at www.jwendel.de


The pin-plugin is a kind of configurable child protection for channels, broadcasts, recordings and scripts.

From the version history:

* #15 30.04.06, added: french translations (thanks to Pat!)

* changed: Makefile due to VDR's new APIVERSION feature

* added: Patch for vdr 1.4.0

* #14 08.04.06, added: protection feature for scripting

* #13 26.03.06, bugfix: autoProtectionMode now respect start time

* of event (needed since channels not

* protected every time)

* #12 20.03.06, change: now using aux field in timer config

* bugfix: autoProtectionMode will now restored from config

* (Bug reported by rookie1, thanks!)

* bugfix: autoProtectionMode now working even with vdr 1.3.44

* (Bug reported by rookie1, thanks!)
