Hi there,

i'm not sure, if this problem is to specific. i'm using xineliboutput (cvs from 2008-07-02) and xine-lib (HG from 2008-06-17) - vdr is also pached with Reinhard Nissl addons to watch HD. i tested the "remote" frontend vdr-sxfe and also the "local" sxfe. if i start a rudimantary X session (via xinit) and start vdr-sxfe or with "local=sxfe" everything works realy fine. but a automated start via init scripts lead to a segmentation fault (using both frontends local sxfe or vdr-sxfe).

** that's the message:
Jul 25 16:00:48 localhost kernel: [   59.299437] Local decoder/d[7275]: segfault at 0 ip 7f994e00b277 sp 4768ffa0 error 4 in libxine.so.2.0.0[7f994dfcd000+53000]

** vdr's setup conf looks like this:
xineliboutput.Audio.Compression = 100
xineliboutput.Audio.Delay = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Driver = alsa
xineliboutput.Audio.Headphone = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Port = default
xineliboutput.Audio.SoftwareVolumeControl = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Speakers = Stereo 2.0
xineliboutput.Audio.Surround = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Upmix = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Visualization = none
xineliboutput.Audio.Visualization.GoomOpts = width=720,height=576,fps=25
xineliboutput.Decoder.PesBuffers = 500
xineliboutput.DisplayAspect = automatic
xineliboutput.Frontend = sxfe
xineliboutput.Fullscreen = 1
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseFilesDir = /video
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseImagesDir = /video/vdr-1.7-ext
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseMusicDir = /video/vdr-1.7-ext
xineliboutput.Modeline =
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.chroma = 30
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.Enable = 0
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.luma = 40
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.time = 60
xineliboutput.Post.pp.Enable = 1
xineliboutput.Post.pp.Mode = de
xineliboutput.Post.pp.Quality = 0
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.chroma_amount = 0
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.chroma_matrix_height = 3
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.chroma_matrix_width = 3
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.Enable = 0
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.luma_amount = 0
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.luma_matrix_height = 5
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.luma_matrix_width = 5
xineliboutput.Video.AspectRatio = 0
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop = 0
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.AutoDetect = 1
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.DetectSubs = 1
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.FixedSize = 1
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.SoftStart = 1
xineliboutput.Video.Brightness = -1
xineliboutput.Video.Contrast = -1
xineliboutput.Video.Deinterlace = tvtime
xineliboutput.Video.DeinterlaceOptions = method=Greedy2Frame,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=none,framerate_mode=full,judder_correction=1,use_progressive_frame_flag=1,chroma_filter=0,enabled=1
xineliboutput.Video.Driver = xv
xineliboutput.Video.FieldOrder = 0
xineliboutput.Video.HUE = -1
xineliboutput.Video.IBPTrickSpeed = 1
xineliboutput.Video.MaxTrickSpeed = 12
xineliboutput.Video.Overscan = 0
xineliboutput.Video.Port = :0.1
xineliboutput.Video.Saturation = -1
xineliboutput.Video.Scale = 0
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale = 1
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Aspect = 0
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Downscale = 0
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Height = 768
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Resize = 1
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Width = 1360
xineliboutput.VideoModeSwitching = 1
xineliboutput.X11.UseKeyboard = 1
xineliboutput.X11.WindowHeight = 768
xineliboutput.X11.WindowWidth = 1360

** the last loglines before the segfault are:
Jul 25 16:00:33 localhost vdr: [5781] [vdr-fe]    Display size : 705 x 390 mm
Jul 25 16:00:33 localhost vdr: [5781] [vdr-fe]                   1360 x 768 pixels
Jul 25 16:00:33 localhost vdr: [5781] [vdr-fe]                   50dpi / 48dpi
Jul 25 16:00:33 localhost vdr: [5781] [vdr-fe]    Display ratio: 1969,000000/1929,000000 = 1,020736
Jul 25 16:00:33 localhost vdr: [5781] [xine..put] cXinelibLocal::Action - fe->fe_display_open ok
Jul 25 16:00:33 localhost vdr: [5781] [xine..put] cXinelibLocal::Action - xine_init
Jul 25 16:00:33 localhost kernel: [   42.773530] Local decoder/d[5781]: segfault at 0 ip 7f6c08c2a277 sp 46ee7fa0 error 4 in libxine.so.2.0.0[7f6c08bec000+53

** if i use the remote frontend, the error is nearly the same:
Jul 21 08:39:20 localhost kernel: [  447.105564] vdr-sxfe[6041]: segfault at 0 ip 7f5e5e518277 sp 7fff676a5e50 error 4 in libxine.so.2.0.0[7f5e5e4da000+53000]

The strange thing on this behaviour is that it works perfectly startet out of a console manually - but initiated via runlevel-scripts it segfaults. i also tested it with the latest cvs versions of xinelibouput and xine-lib -- same thing.

do you have any suggestions?

thanks a lot in advance!

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