2006/1/17, Udo Richter <udo_richter@gmx.de>:
Calling noad at a certain time could be done with a cron job, also
managing a noad queue could be done externally with some scripting.
Controlling could be done with recording commands. The only obstacle
left is the actual cut. There are patches that allow external triggering
of cutting, and I guess there are also external command line tools for
cutting somewhere...

You are right this is also possible with some external scripts. I did this
before this patch was available.
Nevertheless I dont' like this scripting because it is (in my opinion) much
more error-prone. Besides of this I like it very much that I can do everything
mit my remote control directly in VDR. If you think of VDR as a livingroom
STB you would would agreen that a "normal" STB-User would not set up
scripts and CRON-jobs.
Think of th WAF! Let's keep things simple! ;-)
