On 1/2/06, Oliver Endriss <o.endriss@gmx.de> wrote:
Paul Lacatus wrote:
> I am using vdr 1.3.37 on full featured thechnisat Rev 1.3 card. Drivers are
> from kernel 2.6.14.  I have another digital receiver connected on the loop
> output of the ss1 board. After closing  vdr by ctrl-c in console  the ss1
> in not powering anymore the LNB  leaving the other receiver to do that but
> is not allowing the high frequency  signal to pass trough (I presume ) since
> the other receiver is indicating bad signal. If I restart the computer all
> is ok until I start again vdr.  I don't know if the problem is from vdr or
> drivers.

Load the dvb-core module with parameter 'dvb_shutdown_timeout=0'.

Thanks Oliver but i gave up of connecting another receiver on loop since I need to leave my vdr powered up when using the other receiver.   I am using now a very simple relay switch .


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