
I have an installation running with vdr-1.7.10 from the vdr-team PPA, and sasc-ng to use my 3 off subscribtions card. I have 2 dvb-S2 card in this computer, so with sasc-ng, 2 virtual dvb adapters.
This is working quite well except the streaming to xbmc (freeze when zapping in xbmc)
I intend to try a suggestion I found on this list, using vdr-1.7.11 unpatched + streamdev, patched.
To keep it simple, I downloaded vdr-1.7.11, xineliboutput and streamdev (+applied patches) did make and make plugins. I then copied vdr to /usr/bin/vdr and the content of ./PLUGINS/lib to /usr/lib/vdr/plugins.
I saw there was a new plugin (something like dvbdevice...for SD Nexus adapters). I did delete the lib file of that plugin and restarted vdr.
Now I have "channel not available". From what I see in the log, it don't find the virtual adaptors anymore. The primary adapter was formarly set to 3, now to one, and I cant change it in the osd menu.
Did'nt had a lot of time to look after it yet, but maybe can someone help me solve this more efficiently.

Is there something changed about that in vdr-1.7.11, that does that I need to adapt my configuration ?
In the mean time I re-copied the original vdr binary and 1.7.10 lib files in place, and everything is working again, so I believe my config is still ok.

many thanks,
