On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:35 PM, Lars Bläser <lars.blaeser@lycosxxl.de> wrote:
> As I said before, I know some cards, but I don't know which are supported
> under VDR, especially its CI part. For instance, I don't know if I buy a
> SkyStar HD 2, would it, and its CI is supported under VDR, because
> MultiProto should be available for VDR in 1.7.0.


for the Sky Star HD 2 (same as Azurewave AD SP400 CI)

Common Interface support:
Still none.

may be the TechnoTrend TT-budget S2-3200 is more usefull

vdr mailing list

I don't want the card to be DVB-S2, I just need a card  with CI  support  which works under linux and  VDR and I can buy it!