Using my PS3 as a vdr client is also my target. But I experienced bad
(de-)interlacing when watching SD TV using SD output (even with right
resolution). I am now waiting the new HV xorg driver to have more control on
the video than the already available fb blit mechanism. I did rewrite the fb
driver of xinelib to enhace it with ps3 blit functionality and virtual fb but
it did not improve the output quality. By the way, the PS3 have a colorspace
issue to display the OSD with proper color palette under the fb. (X is not
affected by this)
Actually I am using streamdev and xineliboutput together.
Xineliboutput is good to pilot the server side from any linux based system.
Streamdev + FF card + vdr is the best deal for client device (I am using this
solution over wifi and it works like a charm)
Streamdev + m3u patch is ideal to use VLC with playlist and allow Win OS to
access the TV programs.
I would like to use my PS3 as vdr client as well.
I'm currently using xineliboutput for my other client (on a standard PC), so this would be my first choice, but I've no problem to switch back to vdr-xine (which I used in the past - with the network patch... I moved to xineliboutput just because I don't want to patch xine-lib everytime anymore..)
Can you give more details of what are you using on your PS3?