On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Gerald Dachs <vdr@dachsweb.de> wrote:
Quoting Niels Wagenaar <n.wagenaar@xs4all.nl>:

> This is indeed something I was looking for. Forgot that some options
>  are extremely easy to resolve. But I was wondering, what remote do
> you use yourself and did you configure a .lircrc for vdr-sxfe?

Nothing special, it is a mediacenter Philips remote that came with my
OriginAE case. Later I will use my Harmony 555 that has already learned
the codes from the Philips remote. The case has a remote receiver from
the company irtrans, they provide a lirc compatible server named irserver.

I use a lircrc, but not for vdr-sxfe. Vdr-sxfe doesn't need a lircrc,
the remote.conf from the vdr is all you need. The lircrc only reacts
on one unused button on the remote and toggles the modes. It is very
short. I am not completely
ready with it, I did it yesterday evening only. What is missing is that I
intercept the power button and if vdr-sxfe is currently not seen I
will switch to tv mode and then send the power button to vdr-sxfe so
that the vdr has a chance to
say no and I will see the reason why it wouldn't like to power down.
I was intrigued to see what is this XBMC all around and found that thread in XBMC forum:
Looks like there is a way to stream live TV to XBMC from VDR already. Any reason you don't use that option and prefer to have 2 frontends?