I was trying to apply the latest xine patches (that come with xine-0.7.10) to cvs of xine-lib and I have hit a problem.  The patch is looking for this line to replace:
-dsputil_mmx.o dsputil_mmx.lo: CFLAGS=`echo @CFLAGS@ | sed -e 's/-funroll-loops//g; s/-O[0-9]/-Os/g'`
+dsputil_mmx.o dsputil_mmx.lo: CFLAGS=$(shell echo @CFLAGS@ | sed -e 's/-funroll-loops//g; s/-O([0-9]|s|$)/-Os /g')
But, now the original line looks like this:
dsputil_mmx.o dsputil_mmx.lo: CFLAGS=$(shell echo @CFLAGS@ | sed -e 's/-funroll-loops//g; s/$$/ -Os/')
Should i just leave it as is now?
Best Regards.