What I use:

VDR 1.7.1 with

 - vdr-1.7.1_extensions.diff

 - vdr-1.7.1-ext_h264.diff

 - vdr-1.7.1-s2api-ext64.patch


I can see the OSD in xineliboutput, but not the movie.

Switching to other channes does not work.


I am using vdr 1.7.1 and xineliboutput 1.0.9-CVS.


I see a lot of error messages in my syslog:


vdr: [2293] [xine..put] Detected video size 720x480


vdr: [2293] [xine..put] cXinelibDevice::PlayAny: invalid data !


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] fifo_buffer_new...


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] fifo_buffer_new done.


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] get_buf_element: jumbo PES (209760 bytes) !


vdr: [2293] [xine..put] cXinelibDevice::PlayAny: invalid data !


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] get_buf_element: jumbo PES (191728 bytes) !


vdr: [2293] [xine..put] cXinelibDevice::PlayAny: invalid data !


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] get_buf_element: jumbo PES (196696 bytes) !


vdr: [2293] [xine..put] cXinelibDevice::PlayAny: invalid data !


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] get_buf_element: jumbo PES (198536 bytes) !


vdr: [2293] [xine..put] cXinelibDevice::PlayAny: invalid data !


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] get_buf_element: jumbo PES (199456 bytes) !


vdr: [2293] [input_vdr] vdr_plugin_write: PES too long (199456 bytes, max size 8192 bytes), data ignored !

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